Not one of ’em



I was born a romp or what some call a tomboy.

I was besties with Tobi, Dick and Tom.

We fought, played and laughed.

We roamed the streets

Playing video games,

Racing kites,


Playing dice.

I was one of ’em,

Until nature struck.

Through no fault of mine,

I stumbled on how to be a girl.

They never looked at me the same again.



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29 thoughts on “Not one of ’em

      1. 🙂 She just popped into my head when I read it. So glad someone else knows about this across the globe. Not sure where else the series was popular, but I don’t think it was too known in France and America. Then again, Daddy Longlegs and Anne of Green Gables barely made it across the pond (Anne more than the other one). If I want to give most European (and especially Northern European friends) a taste of Anne, it’s along the lines of, “you know Astrid Lindgren’s Bullerby? It’s like that, except one protagonist instead of six.”

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      2. My dad indulged me with most of her books as child…….Thank you for throwing me back into the deep end of my past. I find I am enjoying the waters there. Not read Anne of Green Gables nor Daddy Long Legs though. I will try find them and read them….who were the authors?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. L(ucy) M(aud) Montgomery – Anne (there’s a whole series

        Jean Webster – Daddy Long Legs
        It’s kind of a weird “moral” for our modern minds (I feel like I’m writing this in the 1920s). So you’ll have to access your inner Victorian / Edwardian. And in a way it’s problematic on some levels (well, one really, but it’s a very layered one). But I’ll let you read it first. Would love to hear your thoughts.

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      4. 🚶‍♀️on my way to find them…..I’ll read and let you know what o think. Thank you very much. Ps…I am a fan of the Victorian/Edwardian period so should be a jolly read….I hope🙂

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      5. Me, too. More Edwardian than Victorian though. Although, there’s a Steampunk bar in Helsinki I really like (even though I’m not into that kind of stuff mostly), and purists might beg to differ, but to me Steampunk does tie in with the Victorians. Not a huge fan of Dracula either, but the BBC did a show with Jonathan Rhys Myers and Nonso Anozie that was really good. Then again, I really like both actors.

        And your dad rocks for introducing you to Enid Blyton (ok, she’s somewhat problematic too, I guess, but every child should go through that stage where they have to face up to the problematics of an author they read).

        And you’re most welcome. I love reading, and it’s always interesting to see what people are / were reading.


      6. You have really been lucky to be exposed to all these cultures and books. I remember you did quite a lot of travelling growing up….I’m real jealous of that. I absolutely live Dracula….how could I not and that show with Meyers and Anozie ended too soon. I wonder why. My dad was an inspiration. He did rock. As for Enid Blyton….You don’t want to know the heart break I went through when I finally knew the real her… least according to history books. A part of me still thinks we might be over thinking things…..for example, her use of golliwogs in her stories was considered racist…I absolutely loved the golliwogs in her stories!! Now I know why.

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      7. Funny, I don’t remember the golliwogs too well. Some very vague memory. But yeah, there’s always that fine line between racism and people taking it upon themselves to feel for others. I was telling someone that my cousin’s husband is Mexican, and they were both living in Mexico, and she immediately interrupted me asking if I was sure he was Mexican. I told her that since he’d always identified as Mexican, and he’d grown up there, I counted him as Mexican. She then told me that she just wanted to make sure, because a lot of people just called anyone South American Mexican.

        And, of course, we all know that a) Africa is one very homogenous country and b) all Eastern Europeans (also a monolith) are scammers (like Nigerians, if you remember that mini conversation we had). I used to throw that first part into
        the room when I was teaching, just to get students to think. But then I’d also throw them questions like, a Holocaust survivor said they could forgive one SS guard but not an entire nation. But I hear this racist, xenophobic drivel every day over here, and just in case someone thought I’d miss it, there’s always Facebook to keep me “entertained.”

        Getting back to more pressing issues though, the show was just over all at once. Way too soon. Loved the dynamic between Meyers and Anozie, dramatic vs. subtle. And I love that they used the reincarnation angle. Although, I’ve always said that if you really think about it, the angle of him becoming a vampire because his wife had committed suicide is the ultimate declaration of love, much more potent than Romeo and Juliet.

        If you like Dracula, have you read Elizabeth Kristeva’s The Historian? That book scared me so badly I couldn’t even go across the parking lot for food. Pretty sure it was the French monastery.

        Fun fact, my father was from Transylvania. He never talked about Dracula, but the people from the region I talked to love Vlad Tepes because he tried to protect them and their land. Used to be that if you told everyone you had roots in Transylvania, they’d react with, “wow, how cool.” And if you told Hungarians, their reaction was along the lines of, “yeah. Okay. Hick.” But now, apparently Hungarians have discovered the merits of praising their Hungarian brethren there. Because, you know, fellow Hungarians. And most of the minority Hungarians are pretty conservative and right wing to varying degrees. But having said that, I should probably go there for a visit. They say it’s beautiful, all mountains and forests, obviously. So, I actually might.

        Thanks for saying that about cultures. It is great, I won’t lie. Though sometimes you lack stability. People were saying they missed speaking their own language when they move abroad for too long, and I’m sitting there going, “which language?” I do miss French and English though when I can’t speak either for a while. Used to miss Hungarian as well, But having been here for two years, it’s safe to say I’m cured. The downside is no roots, but I wouldn’t change my life for the world.

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      8. I think it’s cool to. To be from Transylvania….what…with all that rich culture + Vlad??😁 I am definitely one of those your dad would have avoided.😃
        I wonder what it must be like to be sat in your classroom. Do you have a youtube channel or any podcasts? I would really love to watch one of your lectures.
        The problem with roots is there is that tendency to be narrow minded. Everyone thinking their roots is better than or inferior to others. I assure you that I don’t think that a downside at all. You are a true citizen of the world by virtue of nurture. Everybody should get some of that.
        Ps: I still find it amazing that you are a polyglot.

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      9. 🙂 I couldn’t imagine any other life really.

        My dad really liked people. If you didn’t share his interests that was fine. One of my fondest memories is sitting in the kitchen and him telling me why he became atheist (which I can totally understand), and me telling him why I believed in reincarnation. Me, I always ask hundreds of questions, what’s your hometown like? What did you watch / listen to? What are your origins? That last one used to drive everyone crazy, because I always maintained that everyone had some other origin somewhere. I don’t care what the surface tries to tell. 😄 My dad never cared in that respect, as long as you were a decent person, you were good in his book. Me, I always had to write a story.

        Funny you should mention a YouTube channel or podcasts. I’ve been meaning to get something up and running forever. Hopefully we’ll get it done by the end of the summer. Classrooms are tricky, because most students hate being filmed. But we’re thinking of something. And thank you for the interest. I promise I’ll let you know as soon as we have something up.

        The superiority complex is really out of this world. I’m low key stalking some right wing nutters online (they don’t read this blog, obviously, but clearly saying you’re stalking people online takes away from the low key element 🤣😇), and it’s a whole other level of crazy. They’re people my social media contacts know, so I’ll see their posts if my contacts like or comment, and I keep reading through their comments. From this I learned that as a Hungarian I should be proud of my roots. Which do not originate somewhere in or around Asia Minor (I’ve always been partial to the Mongolian-origin angle). Rather, we were somehow magically dropped right into the Carpathian Basin (aliens? Zeus? Noah’s Ark?) and rode East to those places lesser, uninformed minds (scholars, archeologists, historians) claim we came from, to bring culture to the people. 🙄 How we ended up back here, was never explained. I’m guessing we most likely teleported.

        But I’ve just witnessed perfectly sane, well-educated, intelligent kindhearted acquaintances transforming into raging lunatics full of hatred in the weeks leading up to the “elections.” A farce really, we all knew who would win, but yeah, this country upholds the Good European Standards.

        Would love to hear about the loonies in your part of the world. Unfortunately, they’re everywhere.

        Btw, it’s Elizabeth Kostova who wrote the Historian. I used Kristeva for my dissertation, so either my brain or my keyboard thinks it’s those times all over again.


      10. Conversations between you and your dad must have been something😃. He does sound like a nice guy.🙂

        You should get round to getting a channel or podcast running. You could always direct the camera to just yourself and cut out your students. Whenever you are ready, I will be one of the first in line to watch them.

        Lol @stalking….the problem with social media is you get things thrown your way whether you look for them or not. Taking a second, third and or fourth look is so not stalking. In fact it is about getting educated. Understanding the flow of thoughts of the populace and reflecting on where you stand. I find the opinions shared on social media very hilarious and at many other times scary. You are right it can be quite interesting to see what supposedly enlightened people share on social media. Many times I sift through their opinions and laugh, cry, smirk, grin then laugh again😃😃.
        From what you say politics over there is just like it is in other parts of the world. Perhaps better than my part?

        😂@your hilarious description of your Hungarian roots. We both know teleporting is out of the question. So just another gap that needs filling but may never be.
        Even the varied religious texts cannot help us in this regard😃.

        At my end of the world, things get quite interesting with not just politics but with issues on personal choices such as the right to be a feminist or not, to choose ones sexuality and so many others. Current trending topic is that of a celebrated Nigerian author and self proclaimed feminist saying other women are not feminist enough because they wrote wife and mother amongst their accomplishments in their bio. The social media response has been quite ludicrous to say the least.
        Loonies are indeed everywhere.

        Thank you for the author’s name. I will look her up on the internet and perhaps get round to reading the book too.

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Thank you, we did have interesting conversations. Plus, my dad loved jokes. The day before he died (I knew he would, some intuition), I was telling him jokes about operations. Several relatives had a conniption, but he really appreciated it. When he died, I kept telling all these jokes. I liked telling them anyway, because I like good comedy, like the video you sent me, or the Dave Chapelle white supremacist routine, or some of Omud Djalili’s stuff, and above all Gad Elmaleh (can’t remember if you mentioned whether you speak French or not, but I think he’s doing stuff in English now). But they just kept pouring out.

        Once things calm down and I get my data plan sorted, I’ll definitely make a channel / podcast if sorts. It’ll feed my vanity, since I love talking about different things, and I don’t exactly hate my voice. Everyone decided to take their language exam now, though, so it’ll stay busy for a few months. I’m not complaining. The language exam is completely useless, since no one talks the way they expect you to talk for the exam, the examiners themselves can’t speak the language properly, nor catch nuances, but without it you can’t graduate from college or get a job. Never mind that you can’t string together three words after it. Students just learn by heart, use the proper phrases and get their certificate. So we’re trying to prepare them for that, while at the same time infusing proper language skills. And thank you already for your support. It’s very much appreciated!

        I totally agree about social media. I know some people come across as a whole other person on SM, but in this case, they were just saying what they really meant. The person I was / am low key stalking had a slight connection to a gallery I should have exhibited at, and I’d been warned by my Nazi acquaintances, who said they’d protect me, as he’s apparently close to them. Decided to pull out of the whole thing, because I can’t exhibit at a place that is comfortable employing people who are openly racist, and homophobic. I have plenty of gay friends, I also had several trans friends, and I still fail to see what the issue is. A gay man will try to find another gay man, the same way a heterosexual man will try to find a woman.

        As for race, every nation in the world has its fair share of geniuses and idiots. Skin tone isn’t going to make you stupider or smarter, but your education just might. I’m all for pulling one’s leg, but do it with people on your level. I have friends with whom we will poke fun at each other’s ethnicity, or anything else we can come up with (height, something you did or said), but it’s only with each other. I do laugh and roll my eyes a lot at comments as well. A Persian friend and I would always use, “you know, white people, as a catch phrase.” Because being half-Jewish I’m only half-White (which was another running joke we had).

        Thank you for clearing up why Hungarians are so dead set against Nigerians coming into this sacred land. Feminism is a liberal disease this country really doesn’t need (of course, feminism is – like free speech and just, you know accepting another culture – the evil brought into this country by the emperor of all ultimate evil, George Soros and his Central European University and Open Society. Like I said above, white people 🙄). Women are meant to stay at home, have at least five kids (we need the economy to grow, and the country because everyone’s leaving). And if a man has mainly daughters, he’s weak. I’m not kidding. A high ranking politician (forgot which) said that today. Of course people immediately pointed out that he should have thought his comment through, after all the prime minister (he doesn’t deserve capitalization) has four daughters and a son.

        Nigeria is way ahead of the curve in comparison to Hungary if people are debating feminism types. Only the extreme left wing would identify even remotely as a feminist. And yet women here have to work. A good income here is about €800+ and that’s practically hitting the jackpot. Rent is €400 if you’re really (and I mean really) lucky but really more along the lines of €600-800, so you need another income. But women are still expected to cook, clean, and cater to their men. On top of looking good. Nails on point, make up perfect, not a hair out of place. 5″7 feet and 100 pounds is just about right. No fatties, please. Also, and this really irks me and I’ve mentioned it a million times, opposite genders cannot be friends. Which is ridiculous. I know of two teens and two adults who have friends of the opposite gender. Would love to know if it’s the same in Nigeria.

        And you know I have this fascination with Nigeria, because I’ve always had friends from there at one point or another. In college one of my friends had grown up in Nigeria with a Hungarian mother and Nigerian father. She was the only other half-Hungarian who’d grown up abroad in our group, the rest were all born and bred here. It was still racist then, but not as strongly as now. And our group was this very sarcastic collection of students who made friends based on mutual interests.

        Your comment on feminism made me think of this godawful German movie. They used a cover of Summer Wine (one of my favorite songs, and it’s a really good cover). It’s about a groupie in the ’60s. I remembered reading about her when I was a kid, so I dragged my two French friends to see it with the argument, “this is German cultural heritage.” (You see where my reputation for cynicism and sarcasm comes in). At the time I was teaching a lady who’d grown up in the ’60s. She hated that movie and the woman. Her argument was, “this idiot ruined everything we fought for.” Said this to a friend years later, who was roughly the same age. My friend’s comment, “actually no. A woman should be able to choose. If she wants to show her body, stay at home, go to work, let her.”

        But over here, like I said, this doesn’t even enter the conversation. A woman should please her man, be pleasing to everyone, and God forbid her behavior should displease anyone, male or female. But Nigeria, Germany, and Sweden are the “backwards countries,” because liberalism.

        As you’ll see a character say in one of the Anne books we mentioned earlier, “I always say it takes all kinds of people to make a world. And I take great comfort in this saying.” Loonies, as you said so kindly, indeed.

        And thus endeth the weekly sermon.

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      12. 😂thank you so very much. You always give me a lot to ponder on. A sermon indeed it is. A much appreciated one! I suppose if we were to continue on these issues it would be an endless albeit enjoyable chat and we would still barely have scratched the surface.

        Ps: I love comedy too and I don’t speak French unfortunately.

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      13. Agree about the debate. 🙂

        And I feel the same way about your writing, so it’s tit for tat.

        Gad has subtitles now, and I’m sure he’s doing stuff in English. I’ll try and find it on YouTube. But it might take a while. Perfect for Cross Culture Kids.

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      14. 😂🤣! As with most classic comedies,… touches on racism, languages and accents as well as silliness or should I say laziness of our poor poor generation. Love it. Going on Netflix to watch me some more. Life is so much more fun with comedy.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Lol…nice one! A major brilliance to your posts is usually the uniqueness of your images. I usually wonder where you get them. Fascinating, always. Thanks for the new word-romp.

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