Mind sex



She made love to his mind.

This was no balderdash like phone sex.

Apologies to aficionados.

Theirs was dynamite

and illuminating.

But just a sandglass long.

He knew it not as sin.

Until he could look his wife not in the eye.



Image credit: Deflyne

12 thoughts on “Mind sex

  1. I always love the ease with which your poetry reads. Almost always makes me want to go back to my first love. Revelatory and deep as usual. The sandglass bit lost me. Great image as usual. Lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. A sandglass long….an hour glass long. Usually sand glasses run for an hour but they can run for longer, depending on the type. Thank you for your kind comment.

      Liked by 1 person

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